Cheap podcasts

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Here’s the podcasts (right click—Save As… to download):


340.1 Snippet_Viper
340. Implausible Engineering – Episode 3 + transcript.
339. Dear Cheap Astronomy 113+ transcript.
338.3 Snippet_Eclipse paths
338.2 Snippet_IE12
338.1 Snippet_How weird is reality?
338. Dear Cheap Astronomy 112+ transcript.
337. Implausible Engineering – Episode 2 + transcript.
336.3 Snippet_Will space travel drive you nuts? Part2
336.2 Snippet_Will space travel drive you nuts?
336.1 Snippet_How empty is space?
336. Dear Cheap Astronomy 111+ transcript.
335.3 Snippet_Why does light move at c? Part 2
335.2 Snippet_Why does light move at c?
335.1 Snippet_How do we get things back to Earth?
335. Dear Cheap Astronomy 110+ transcript.
334.3 Snippet_Rubble pile asteroids.
334.2 Snippet_Space-based solar power.
334.1 Snippet_Universe from a point.


334. Dear Cheap Astronomy 109+ transcript.
333. Dear Cheap Astronomy 108+ transcript.
332. Dear Cheap Astronomy 107+ transcript.
331. Dear Cheap Astronomy 106+ transcript.
330. Fantastic Physics Formulas – Episode 10 + transcript.
329. Dear Cheap Astronomy 105+ transcript.
328. Implausible Engineering – Episode 1 + transcript.
327. Dear Cheap Astronomy 104+ transcript.
326. Dear Cheap Astronomy 103 + transcript.
325. Dear Cheap Astronomy 102 + transcript.
324. Dear Cheap Astronomy 101 + transcript.
323. Fantastic Physics Formulas – Episode 9 + transcript.
322. Dear Cheap Astronomy 100 + transcript.
321. Dear Cheap Astronomy 099 + transcript.
320. Dear Cheap Astronomy 098 + transcript. (A 365 Days Podcast for 11 October 2023).
319.1 Snippet_Life in Spacetime – Episode 3


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